
г. Новосибирск, мкр. Горский, 66, 2 этаж


DZ47LE Residual Current Operated Circuit Breaker with over-current protection (Electronic)
1. Application
   Personnel and fire protection
   Cable and line protection against overload and short-circuits
2. General rules for choosing RCBO:
   a.Rated residual operating current
     I∆n ≤ 30 mA: additional protection in the case of direct contact I∆n ≤300 mA: preventative fire protection in the case of ground  fault currents
   b.Tripping class
         AC class – Tripping is ensured for sinusoidal, alternating currents, whether they be quickly applied or slowly increase.
   c.Tripping curve
     C curve (5-10 In) protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
     D curve (10-14 In) protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits; protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit closing (LV/LV transformers, breakdown lamps).