
г. Новосибирск, мкр. Горский, 66, 2 этаж

Серии GP-S057

Graphic Touch Panels
GP-S057 Series realizes high visibility with 5.7” wide screen and extended data application. Also, the series increases your convenience with various functions including communication for different controllers, multi-lingual/multi-font support, multi communication port support and device monitoring.

Major features

* Display max. 1590 characters
* Able to save max. 500 pages of user screen
* Wide range of interface support
: High speed download and diverse file management possible with USB Host/Device support
: Large scale data controlling with high speed Ethernet
: Easy to connect external units with various multi communication ports (RS232C / RS422)
* Device monitoring functions
: PLC port allows to monitor and control the variables of additionally connected controllers
* Easy S/W upgrade thru website
(Firm ware, * GP Editor, Protocol, Language and fonts)
* Printer/barcode reader connection: Alarm history print, barcode input available.
* Support for Korean, English. Additional languages will be available later on.
* Various display function : Data display by various tags.
* Multi-font support : It provides various bitmap and user-selected fonts
* Compact design : Saving design with 5.7 display

[* GP Editor : drawing program]


Graphic panel allows easy parameter setting and data management for various types of controllers(PLC, temp./humidity transducers, temp. controllers)

Ordering Information

Specification Table


User's Guide

Caution for your safety